Whispers of the Warming World: A Call to Echoes of Change

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In the quiet dawn, the earth begins to weep,
Her tears are rivers, flowing from melting peaks.
Forests whisper secrets of the warming sweep,
While oceans rise with tales the future seeks.

The skies once blue, now heavy with a haze,
A sun too fierce, casting shadows of despair.
Fields once lush, now barren in the blaze,
Nature’s plea hangs heavy in the air.

Creatures roam, searching for a home anew,
Their habitats, a memory fading fast.
The balance tips, like morning’s fragile dew,
In our hands, the fate of this world cast.

Oh, hear the call, the echoes of the wild,
To mend the bond we’ve broken in our haste.
Let actions speak, where words have long beguiled,
And heal the earth, before it’s all erased.

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