The Whispers of the Ocean Deep: A Mermaid’s Tale

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Beneath the moonlit waves, where secrets softly sleep,
Mermaids sing their lullabies, in the ocean deep.
With tails of silver, shimmering bright,
They dance in twilight, out of sight.

Their voices call through the misty night,
Echoes of dreams, a siren’s delight.
Weaving spells with every note,
On the waters, they gently float.

In coral castles, they find their rest,
Guardians of treasures, nature’s best.
Eyes like pearls, with stories untold,
Hearts intertwined with legends of old.

Oh, to glimpse their world so grand,
To touch the magic of their hand.
The mermaids’ realm, a mystic place,
Forever hidden, in the ocean’s embrace.

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