In the darkness of the 1930s, shadows cast so deep,
The nation cried in sorrow, as dreams began to weep.
Breadlines stretched for miles, hope seemed out of sight,
The Great Depression loomed, a never-ending night.
Banks once strong and steady, crumbled to the ground,
Families torn asunder, silence was the sound.
Homes were lost to whispers, of debts they could not pay,
The weight of desperation, grew heavier each day.
Voices filled with hunger, eyes that told of pain,
The land of opportunity, now soaked in endless rain.
Jobs were scarce and fleeting, the future unclear and gray,
Each dawn brought a struggle, in a world that’s gone astray.
Yet in the hearts of many, a flicker still remained,
A burning hope for better, a strength they had maintained.
Through the darkest valleys, they fought to see the light,
The spirit of endurance, guiding them through the night.