In the heart of ancient lands, where whispers of old rhyme,
Dance the tales of yesteryears, through every passage of time.
Colors blend in a vivid hue, traditions rich and fine,
Weaving stories of our kin, in a tapestry divine.
From the morning chants of dawn, to the twilight’s gentle song,
The rituals of our ancestors, in our hearts they still belong.
Festivals that light the night, with lanterns bright and strong,
Unite us in a chorus, where diverse voices throng.
Sculptures carved in silent stone, speak of legends grand,
Temples standing tall and proud, like sentinels of the land.
Dance and music tell the lore, with gestures of the hand,
Binding us to roots profound, like grains of golden sand.
As we walk the paths they paved, in footsteps bold and true,
We carry forth their legacy, in everything we do.
For culture is a living breath, forever old and new,
A timeless echo in our hearts, in every shade and hue.