In the heart of the silken cocoon, a silent tale unfolds,
Hidden from the world’s gaze, a miracle takes hold.
The caterpillar sleeps, dreaming of skies vast and blue,
As nature whispers secrets, of what it soon will do.
Bound by threads of yesterday, yet yearning for the sun,
The metamorphosis begins, a journey just begun.
Through darkness and stillness, a new form starts to rise,
The promise of tomorrow, reflected in its eyes.
Shedding the old skin, embracing whatâs to be,
The chrysalis cracks open, setting the butterfly free.
Wings of vibrant colors, painted by life’s hand,
It flutters toward the heavens, to explore a new land.
Transformationâs graceful dance, a symphony of change,
From humble earthly bounds, to heights beyond the range.
In every whispered breeze, a testament to strife,
The beauty of transformation, the essence of life.