The Symphony of Strawberries: A Journey Through Scarlet Fields

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In the garden where the strawberries grow,
Scarlet jewels beneath the emerald leaves,
Whispering tales of summer’s gentle glow,
Their sweetness a promise the earth weaves.

Sunlit mornings kiss their blushing cheeks,
Dewdrops dance on their vibrant crowns,
Nature’s candy that silently speaks,
In the quiet of dawn, where peace abounds.

Hands reach out to gather their grace,
A bounty of joy in each tender grasp,
The taste of sunshine, a warm embrace,
A moment that time cannot clasp.

As twilight descends, the fields rest anew,
Dreaming of days when the sun will return,
The strawberries await the morning’s hue,
In their beauty, there’s much to learn.

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