Finding Light in Shadows: A Journey of Healing and Growth

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Amidst the storm, a whisper calls my name,
In shadows deep, a spark begins to glow.
Though silence weaves its tapestry of pain,
Hope gently stirs, with strength I did not know.

The weight of night, it clings to weary bones,
Yet dawn arrives, its promise softly sung.
Each step I take, the path becomes my own,
A melody of courage left unsung.

In moments still, I find the fractured parts,
Embrace the scars that tell of battles won.
With open arms, I gather broken hearts,
A tapestry of healing has begun.

Through whispered winds, I hear the call to rise,
To find the light that shines within my soul.
In every tear, a strength that never dies,
In healing’s arms, at last, I become whole.

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